

Have Questions? We've Got Answers!

How do I obtain pricing?
Call, fax, write or e-mail. We will respond promptly.
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Where is Key Manufacturing located?
Key Manufacturing Textiles is conveniently located in the Lehigh Valley in the heart of the Allentown garment district just south of Route 22 at the Route 145 exit. Our manufacturing facility is located at 825 North Fourth Street, Allentown, PA 18102.get a Google map.
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What type equipment does Key Manufacturing use?
Key utilizes the latest technology available when selecting processing equipment.
View the list of equipment on the Equipment List page for a few examples.
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Does Key pick up and deliver?
Yes, Key has a van on the road every day serving the greater Lehigh Valley
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Is Key capable of providing Care Content labels?
Yes, Key can process label orders of any size.
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How many locations does Key maintain?
Key's sole location is in Allentown, Pa.
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